Headline article image Five ways to engage more effectively with Gen Z

Five ways to engage more effectively with Gen Z

Engaging effectively with customers is something every brand seeks to do well, but when it comes to the increasingly powerful Gen Z, brands may need to adapt their approach. 

Set to represent 40% of global customers this year, this youthful market is notoriously tough to crack with social and environmental matters as the heart of their buying decisions and their expectations of brands higher than ever.

Gen Z-ers are also seriously digitally savvy and have grown up expressing their feelings online but according to Vogue Business, concerns of ‘cancel-culture’ and privacy are leading them to move away from open and exposed networks to more private platforms and closed groups.

This was reflected in a 2019 survey that revealed 60% of respondents said that talking in private groups means that they share more openly.

So how can brands adapt to this change and start to engage with Gen Z in a deeper and more meaningful way? The creation of micro-communities is one idea that is proving to be very successful for many brands.

Let’s look at five ways that these can be implemented.

1. Secondary social media accounts

Secondary social media accounts on platforms such as Instagram create a private space for selected customers with niche interests to foster more intimate and honest dialogues. Members can request to join secondary accounts from a brand’s main account and, once accepted, freely communicate with others and enjoy valuable targeted content. It also provides brands with a good opportunity to ask for honest feedback and gain invaluable insights in a more private setting.

2. Gain loyalty with closed Facebook groups 

Closed Facebook groups allow loyal customers to feel part of a select community and engage with others in an authentic way. You can add to the feeling of exclusivity by asking prospective members to answer a few questions in order to access the group and to follow certain etiquette when accepted. Into The Gloss is one of the most successful case studies and boasts a Facebook community of approximately 19k members. The main rule of the group is that all comments and shares must be beauty related.

3. Partner with micro-influencers

Micro-influencers are favoured by Gen Z as they are seen as more authentic and relatable than celebrities and big name influencers. They also have very engaged followers which makes it easier for brands to target future customers with niche interests and shopping behaviours. Research shows that Gen Z also engage better with real people and are more likely to make a purchase based on their recommendation.

4. Speak to customers using WhatsApp Business Group Messages 

The WhatsApp Business service helps brands to speak privately with customers and is also a favoured form of communication by Gen Z. A recent survey by Facebook IQ found that 65% of Gen Z-ers prefer messaging over email and calling, and 53% said they are more likely to shop with a business they can contact via a chat app. According to Vogue Business, a growing number of brands are also creating bespoke short-form content designed to be shareable via WhatsApp.

5. Engaging during the COVID-19 

There’s no shying away from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and according to a recent Future Labs report, Gen Z is set to be one of the demographics hit hardest – both financially and emotionally. Brands should help to support Gen Z through this period of increased loneliness and isolation by making them feel special and part of something larger, while also reflecting the value of community in how they communicate as a brand.

Vogue Business recently reported that authentic content that focusses more on daily routines - such as ‘behind the scenes’ videos - has proven popular during lockdown while stories and posts that promote lavish lifestyles and wealth hoarding are far less successful and even receiving a backlash. The latest YPulse research shows that 52% of Gen Z-ers will feel more comfortable about going out and enjoying themselves once there is a vaccine, reflecting their values of health and wellbeing over financial prosperity.


Written by
Clearpay Marketing
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