Headline article image Consumer Shopping Trends from Autumn Help Predict Christmas Favorites

Consumer Shopping Trends from Autumn Help Predict Christmas Favorites

It’s been six months since our last bi-annual trend report and no one could have forecast such unprecedented changes for Autumn / Winter 2020 - not just in the retail industry but the world as a whole.

Changes to our external environment, by way of a national lockdown and an ongoing global pandemic, have understandably changed consumer habits.

The shift to e-commerce has accelerated at its fastest ever rate in 2020. Those that had once never dreamed of shopping online had no choice but to, while consumers that were comfortable with ecommerce found themselves relying on it for everything from groceries, to medicine and cosmetics.

So what can autumn’s biggest consumer trends from our bi-annual fashion and beauty trend report tell us about the upcoming Christmas period, and how you can prepare as a retailer? Let’s take a look below. 

Consumers are investing in fashion and beauty that makes them feel like their normal selves

Lockdown meant that consumers couldn’t go to salons for their usual beauty treatments, so naturally beauty as a category has grown in demand. With less social events to go to however, customers are favouring a more natural look with a focus on skincare.

Our research shows that consumers check out with at least five beauty items in their basket (an increase from three last season) and there’s a growing trend for premium and transformative haircare. Old products are also being rediscovered and enjoyed in new ways and the focus is very much on looking and feeling good – like their usual selves.

We predict that beauty and comfort will continue to be very important to consumers as new lockdown restrictions in the UK are imposed, and makeup and skincare will be popular gifting choices for Christmas.

Financial wellness and shopping locally has become increasingly important

Our bi-annual trend report showed that more consumers are looking to shop locally and support small business, while 59% of global consumers cite keeping track of finances as more important compared to before the pandemic.

This is followed closely by 57% of global consumers who say that budgeting has become more important, compared to before the pandemic. In fact, one out of two global consumers also said that they would be more likely to buy items if they had the ability to pay them via instalments payments – with a Buy Now Pay Later option such as Clearpay at checkout. This kind of flexibility allows consumers to manage their money in a simple and transparent way that avoids the use of credit cards.

Consumers are looking for products that make the home feel like a sanctuary 

Our research shows that consumers are buying more items that make the home more comfortable - such as gardening, arts and crafts, games and entertainment and interiors.

Consumers want to make their homes feel like a sanctuary that helps them forget the stresses and strains of what is happening in the world right now, while bringing together those that they live with. 

And, with the UK now in its second round of lockdown restrictions, we predict this as a key area of growth especially in the run up to Christmas. Think games to play with the family, tableware, soft furnishings and luxuries such as candles and blankets.


Written by
Clearpay Marketing
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